This was her favorite time of night. She leaned back in her chair and stared up at the sky. The pinks and oranges on the sunset had disappeared.
Through the trees she could see the blinking of fireflies stirring up and drifting through the air.
As she reached out to touch them, one landed on her hand.
She held the firefly in her palm, careful not to squish its delicate body.
“Hello, little one”, she whispered.
It flickered, almost like it was saying hello back.
“You’re beautiful.”
The firefly crawled onto her index finger and flickered again, before lifting off and joining the thousands of fireflies illuminating the night sky.
About The Story:
One of my favorite parts of summer is watching the fireflies or lightening bugs come out just after sunset. I love how YHWH made these amazing creatures!
A couple of years ago, I got a writing prompt book that featured all kinds of fun story starters. One was a picture of woman holding a bright light in her hand. This automatically made me think of sitting outside after dark when I was kid, watching the air fill with these beautiful creatures.