While historical fiction makes up a large part of my shelves, I also have special place in my heart, and on my shelves, for mysteries and thrillers. So I thought it would be fun to do a tag dedicated to these books.
(This is an original tag. If you would like to do this tag, remember to link back to this post and tag me on social media.)
1. What Made You Want To Start Reading Mysteries and Thrillers?
When I was in elementary school, my mom introduced me to the Cam Jansen books. From there, I kind of developed a taste for mysteries, leading me to read a ton of Nancy Drew later on.
I don’t really remember when I started reading thrillers though.
2. To You, What Makes A Good Mystery?
For me, a good mystery has to start with writing that pulls you in and makes you care as much about the case as the characters do. I also want to be kept guessing. I don’t want to figure out who the bad guy is early on.
3. What Makes A Good Thriller?
The premise has to stand out to me. I want it to have heart-pounding moments as well as calmer less intense moments.
4. Do You Like Dark and Scary?
Nope. I read for the fun of it, not because I want sleep with all the lights on in the house.
5. Name A Book, Thriller or Mystery, That You Will Probably Never Stop Recommending.
I have loved The Last Thing He Told Me since the first time I read it.
6. Do You Have Any Mysteries On Your Shelves That You Want To Read?
I just got a copy of Who’s Sorry Now by Jill Churchill from a Little Free Library a few weeks ago. It sounds so interesting.
7. Which Tropes Do You Love?
Some of my favorite tropes are government conspiracies, unlikely detectives, and family secrets.
8. Which Tropes Do You Hate?
The serial killer trope is probably my least favorite trope of all time. It will completely ruin a book for me.
9. If You Were To Write A Mystery, What Would The Title Be?
The Mysterious Case of Where My Pen Went
Final Thoughts
Mysteries and thrillers have made a big impact on my reading life. If you love them too, consider yourself tagged.