Usually, I create my own book tags, but today I decided to give this one a try because it sounded fun. It was created by a booktuber Megan Olivier, but I can’t seem find the video.
So without further ado, here is The Book Buying Habits Tag.
Where Do You Buy Your Books?
I try to buy books used as much as possible because it’s easier on my wallet.
My favorite places to buy books are: Half Price Books, My local used bookstore, the library bookstore, garage sales, and Amazon.
Do You Ever Preorder Books And If So, Do You Do This In Store Or Online?
As of right now, I haven’t ever actually preordered a book. That might change soon though, because their are a few books coming out that I can’t wait to read.
When and if I do preorder a book, it will probably be online.
On Average, How Many Books Do You Buy A Month?
I buy a lot more than I should. As of late, I have been averaging 2-7 books a month.
Do You Use Your Local Library?
Absolutely! My bank account would probably be in the negatives by now if I didn’t. A reader’s got to read!
If So, How Many Books Do You Borrow At A Time?
It kind of depends on the day and if I find books that sound interesting.
I think my record is 20 to 25. I tend to get a lot because I am a major mood reader, and what appealed to me yesterday, may not today.
What Is Your Opinion On Library Books?
One, there should be more of them. Two, hardcover library copies last longer than paperback.
How Do You Feel About Charity Shops/Second Hand Books?
I mentioned above, I buy most of my books used, so I love getting books from places like this. These kinds of stores are great way to get books at discounted rate and it keeps them from going in the trash.
Do You Keep Your Read And TBR Pile Together/On The Same Bookshelf Or Not?
I don’t have the space nor the patience to keep the two separated. I already know what I have and haven’t read so it’s not a big deal if they’re on the same shelf.
Do You Plan To Read All The Books You Own?
That’s more of a wait and see situation. I would like to say yes, but time will tell.
What Do With Books You Own That You Feel You’ll Never Read/Felt You Didn’t Enjoy?
I’ve bought books that I fully intended to read, but never did. These books went to the free little library so other people could enjoy them. The same goes for books that weren’t my cup of tea.
I prefer taking them to the free little library because it allows those who don’t have access to a regular library to still find new books to read.
Have You Ever Donated Books?
I have, to the free little library as I mentioned above.
Do You Feel That You Buy Too Many Books?
Um… Yes and no. I try to be careful about how many books I buy as to not blow my budget out of the water, but when it comes to buying books I’m like a kid in a candy store a lot of times.
Final Thoughts
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this book tag as much as I enjoyed doing it.
If you want to give this one a shot, consider yourself tagged.
Happy Reading!