I decided it was time to another book tag specifically about being a bookworm, what we like and don’t and what makes us unique.
What Book Format Do You Prefer?
I generally read physical books because I like turning the pages and they don’t require electricity.
Do Have A Set TBR, Or Are You More Of A Mood Reader?
I am most definitely a mood reader. I do have a list of books, but I don’t have a set time that I am going to read them.
What Are Some Of The Funniest Words You’ve Seen In Books?
Hogwash. Nincompoop.
Do You Ever DNF Books?
Yes, sometimes more than I would like. If a book isn’t holding my attention, I probably won’t finish it.
Do Think Physical Books Smell Good?
Sometimes. The glue that they use on some newer books though smells like sweat socks. Ugh!
Older books though, tend to have a much nicer smell.
How Do You Mark Your Place In A Book?
With a bookmark. I get a lot books from the library and the library always has free bookmarks so I grab a few now and again.
I actually have a jar on my bookshelf for my bookmarks so I don’t lose them.
How Do You Track Your Reading?
I use Goodreads. I like it because it has so many features and it provides a great way to connect with other readers.
What Is Your Favorite Book You’ve Read So Far This Year?
I would have to say, American Royals by Katharine McGee. I picked this one up on a whim at the used bookstore, and it turned out much better than I expected.
Can You Read With Noise Or Do Need Quiet?
I live in a house full of people and a dog. If I didn’t learn to read with distractions, I wouldn’t get anything read.
Do Ever Read Books Simply Because They’re Popular?
Sometimes I do, but they usually don’t live up to the hype. Everyone’s tastes are different so what appeals one person, may not to another.
Do Ever Do Reading Challenges?
I do the Goodreads reading challenge every year. Other than that, I usually don’t. I’ve been thinking about hosting one on this blog, though.
What Were Your Favorite Books Growing Up?
The Ramona Quimby books by Beverly Cleary, The American Girl books, and Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.
Have Ever Been Apart Of A Book Club?
Yes, but it was way back in middle school. But as an adult, I haven’t found one that I’ve liked.
What Would Be Your Pick For A Book Club Now?
That’s a tough question. I think maybe Radar Girls by Sara Ackerman.
What Is One Of Your Biggest Bookish Pet Peeves?
Stories told in second person. It ruins the whole thing for me.
Name An Author You Wish Would Come To Your Town For An Event.
Ruta Sepetys. I love her books and I want to meet her and talk to her but she doesn’t do events in my area.
What Book Do Often Recommend To Others?
I recommend The Help a lot because it is one of my favorite books ever. However, I think I may need to find a different book to start recommending, because I think people are starting to get tired of hearing about it.
Final Thoughts
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