I love historical fiction, so I thought it was time I did book tag specifically featuring this genre.
What Book Or Books Made You Fall In Love With Historical Fiction?
When I was in elementary school, I discovered the American Girls books. These books opened up a whole new, or rather old, world that I didn’t even know existed.
To this day, I still collect them so that my future kids can read them someday.
What The Last Historical Fiction Book That You Read?
I just finished re-reading I Must Betray You by Ruta Sepetys.
If You Were To Write A Book Of Historical Fiction, When Would It Be Set?
It would probably be set somewhere in the 60’s. There was so much that happened in that short span of 10 years that I think it would make an interesting story.
Name A Popular Historical Novel That You Loved.
I loved Between Shades of Grey by Ruta Sepetys. It is a beautiful and slightly heartbreaking story that still manages to bring hope to the reader.
Name A Popular Historical Novel That You Didn’t Like.
Rebel Spy by Veronica Rossi. I was super excited by the fact that it was about a female spy during the Revolutionary War, but it just wasn’t my cup of tea. (No pun intended.)
What Time Period Do You Think Has Become Overrated?
It pains me to say this, but World War II. I actually love the that era, but in the past several years the shelves of bookstores and libraries have been flooded with World War II books.
The stories of that time are such an important part of history, but because of the time’s popularity, those stories are staring to become overwhelming similar and maybe even a little monotonous.
It seems everyone is writing about the resistance in Nazi-occupied Europe or hiding Jews to Keep them out of concentration camps. While I do enjoy these kinds of stories, I would love to see some fresh takes on the period.
I still love and read historical novels set during World War II, but not as much as I used to.
What Time Period Would You Like To See More Books Set In?
I would love to see more books about Early American history and The Revolutionary War, and stories centered on The Great Depression that are full of hope.
Name A Historical Novel That You Think Everyone Should Read.
The Help, and Johnny Tremain.
How Close Should Historical Fiction Be To Reality?
Fiction is in the name, so we can’t expect it to be 100 percent accurate. That being said, I think it’s okay for authors to take a little creative license as long as it’s not so far-fetched that the reader can tell it’s not real.
Final Thoughts
If you’ve enjoyed this book tag or want to share you love of historical fiction, consider yourself tagged. Just remember to link back to this post.