In honor of Middle Grade March, I thought it would be fun to a kidlit book tag all about the those children’s books we love and cherish.
(This is an original book tag.)
1. Did You Enjoy Reading As A Kid?
Yes! I’ve always enjoyed reading.
2. What Was Your Favorite Picture Book As A Kid?
My favorites were The Little Miss books by Mrs. Roger Hargreaves and Never Mail An Elephant by Mike Thaler and Jerry Smath.
3. What Was Your Favorite Book Once You Were Able To Read Chapters?
I read The American Girl books over and over again when I was a kid. Molly and Julie were my favorites.
4. Do You Still Read Kidlit?
Sometimes! I have a whole collection on my bookshelves.
5. What Series Did You Love As A Kid?
I read a lot of Cam Jansen, Nancy Drew, and The American Girl books.
6. What Genre or Genres Did You Read The Most As A Kid?
Honestly, my reading tastes haven’t changed too much over the years. As a kid I read a lot of historical fiction and mysteries. I also read contemporary every once in awhile.
7. What Was Your Favorite Bedtime Story?
When I was a kid, my mom used to read a chapter of one of the Hank the Cowdog books by John R. Erickson before bed. She would do all the voices and make us laugh.
They were some of her favorite books as a kid, so she wanted to share them.
8. What Book Did You Miss Out On As A Kid That You Decided To Read As An Adult?
I didn’t actually read the full unabridged version of Anne of Green Gables until I was an adult. What prompted me to read it was rewatching the Anne of Green Gables movies with Megan Follows. I ended up loving the book.
9. What’s A Kidlit Book You Constantly Recommend?
I recommend most of Beverly Cleary’s books pretty regularly.
10. What Is The First Book You Remember Reading For School?
Besides books like Dick and Jane in kindergarten and first grade, the first book I remember reading in school was The Courage of Sarah Noble.
11. Was There A Book In School That You Hated?
There were a few. I used to get in so much trouble for not finishing school books I didn’t like.
12. Who Is Your Favorite Kidlit Author?
I would have to say Beverly Cleary. I absolutely loved the Ramona books growing up.
Final Thoughts
Kidlit is such and important part of literature. If you would like to share your love of kidlit too, please feel free to do this tag, just link back to this post.