Whether you have a blog, a Bookstagram, Booktube channel, or even just a Goodreads account, writing book reviews is a big part of what readers do. It’s fun to talk about the books you loved and share your thoughts with the world.
But how do you write positive book review that people will actually read?
1. Take Notes While You’re Reading
When you’re planning on writing a review for a book, especially a longer, more in-depth one, it’s important to write notes while you read. This is so you don’t forget key details that might be important when you write your review.
You don’t have to do this for every book you read, but if you think you might write a review of a book, then I would recommend taking notes.
You don’t have to rehash the entire book in your notes either. Just write down important parts of the book and any thing you liked or didn’t like. You can also note any emotions you had.
2. Give A Summary
Remember to give a brief summary of the book’s plot at the beginning of your review. Do not include any spoilers! This should simple be a short synopsis in your own words. Usually four to seven sentences is plenty. Also make sure to list the genre and possible trigger warnings.
Don’t copy other people’s summaries. That could be considered plagiarism.
3. Talk About Your Thoughts
This is the time and place for you to share your thoughts. Were you on the floor laughing? Did the ending completely shock you? Talk about it. (Your notes that you took back in step one will super helpful with this.)
Here’s an example from my review of The Last Thing He Told Me:
Oh my word! This book is amazing. Going into it, I wasn’t sure that I would like it, but I was so wrong.
I love Hannah’s character. She is one of my favorite kinds of characters, because she isn’t a tough cookie, with no flaws or weaknesses. She’s an average wife, stepmom, and business owner who faces extraordinary circumstances and rises to the occasion.
Hannah’s devotion to both Owen and Bailey drive her to get to the bottom of what happened. It’s her character that makes this plot so strong.
Bailey is also incredible. She is definitely a typical teenager, but she stills handles the situation with more grace than most adults would.
The story is absolutely captivating. I think the plot was well thought out and executed. Dave’s writing style is breezy, but detailed which makes this an even more interesting read.
Your thoughts can be short and sweet or you can take a few paragraphs.
Remember, don’t include any spoilers without putting a warning at the top of your review.
4. Give It A Rating
Rate the book. There are all kinds different rating systems floating around the book community, but the most common one is the simple five star system because that’s what Goodreads uses.
Within the five star system, there’s a lot of room for variation. So rating can look a little different for each person. But usually five stars is almost perfect, four stars is still amazing, three is okay, two is not great, and one star is bad.
Positive Book Review Etiquette
- If your review contains spoilers, make sure to put that at the top of your review! No one wants to accidently find out the big twist of a book they want to read.
- Keep your review concise. Your review shouldn’t be longer than the book itself.
- If your review is positive, feel free to tag the author on social media. (This isn’t a requirement, but it’s a great way to make an author’s day.)
What are your best tips for book reviews? Let me know in the comments.