Do you ever feel lost or like your life isn’t going the way you planned? I was feeling this way the other day when I ran across a blog post talking about doing a life audit and I was intrigued.
(A life audit is a simple way to evaluate your life, career, relationships. Then after you assess everything, you set goals for yourself about what you want and need in your life.)
After a little research, I decided to jump in and do one, here’s how it went.
(I followed this tutorial. This post is not sponsored.)
Step 1: Journaling
Spend about ten minutes and journal. Write down everything that you think is true about you life, whether positive or negative.
This is kind of emotional, so you will want to do this somewhere private.
Step 2: Dreams and Wishes
Once you’ve finished journaling, think about you life. What do you love about your life? What would you change if you could?
Get some sticky notes and write down all of the dreams, wishes, and goals you have for you life. These can be small things or big things. (For example, on mine I put that I wanted a little black dress.)
These notes should reflect not only what you truly want, but also where you feel like God is calling you.
If you’re not sure where He wants you, take some time to ask Him. Listen for His answer. It may surprise you what He says.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Proverbs 3:5-6, NKJV
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
The tutorial said to do about 100 wishes or dreams, but I only did about 40 to leave room for more later.
Some of my goals include owning a bookstore, planting a huge flower garden, and publishing a book.
Step 3: Organizing Your Dreams
After you write out all of your dreams, organize them. The tutorial said to put them in categories such as career, relationships, etc.
Then group them by timeline. Some goals will take long than others, so try to be realistic about your timeline.
I broke my goals down by what I can do today and what may take months or even years to achieve.
Step 4: Making a Plan
Finally, make a plan of how you’re going to accomplish your goals. This could be as simple going to bed 15 minutes earlier or doing a small act of self-care.
Some of my plans include picking section of my bedroom to declutter regularly and continuing to grow as a writer and blogger.
What I Learned
There were a lot of things that came up in this life audit that I either hadn’t thought about or didn’t realize.
One thing that I learned about myself is that I struggle with perfectionism. Sometimes I pile too much on my plate or just don’t want to try all as a result of this, because I don’t want to fail. This is one of my biggest obstacles, and with help, I’m learning how to overcome it.
Another thing I learned is that whether is only part of my purpose or the whole reason I’m on Earth, writing is a huge part of who I am.
Should You Do A Life Audit?
I think everyone could benefit from doing a life audit. There are so many things to learn about yourself that you may not even realize. Plus, it’s a great way to evaluate where you are and where you want to be.
You don’t even have to do it just once either. You can do one every year or whenever a big change occurs in your life.
Have you ever done a life audit? What did you think? Let me know in the comments.