I’ve seen a tag going around on Booktube where new booktubers share a little bit about themselves. Since this is a blog and not a YouTube channel, I thought I would make up a tag for us rookie book bloggers.
Why Did You Start Blogging?
I wanted to have a place to publish my own work, so in the winter of 2020 I decided to start a blog. However, I was almost flat broke and I had no clue how to even do something like that.
A few years later, I finally bought all the stuff that I needed to start a blog, but I didn’t get it up and running until March of 2023.
When I first started this blog, I intended for it to be predominately a lifestyle blog. However, The more I worked on it, the more I realized I loved writing about books and writing.
While I do publish a lifestyle piece on here every now and again, mostly I stick to books and writing.
What Is Your Favorite Thing About The Bookish Community?
The amount of people we have and how many different tastes in books we have.
What Do You Think You Bring To The Bookish Community?
Wait, we’re supposed to bring something? Darn!
Okay seriously, I don’t know yet. Maybe my sarcasm?
What Changes Would You Like To See In The Bookish Community?
I would love to see author-reader collaboration, especially with authors who are virtually unknown or aren’t household names.
What Genres Do You Read The Most?
I typically Thrillers, Mysteries, Historical Fiction, YA, and Nonfiction, but I do branch out if I come across a book that looks or sounds interesting.
Do You Stick To A Set TBR Or Are You More Of A Fly-By-The-Seat-Of-Your-Pants Mood Reader?
I am most definitely the second one. I don’t know that I could stick to a set TBR if my life depended on it. If it doesn’t sound interesting to me in the moment, I’m not going to read it.
Can Anyone Become A Reader With The Right Book?
I think there is a theory to that. Even my dad who doesn’t like to read will sit and look at a home improvement or gardening book. So I would say yes.
What Are Your Dreams For This Blog?
I would love to continue to grow this blog. At some point in the future, I want hold writing contest. I’m also an author, so I will be talking about and promoting my work here as well.
Final Thoughts
If you enjoyed this book tag, try it out for yourself, just don’t forget to mention and link this post.
This is such a cute tag to get to know the blogger! I love this so much; thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your sweet comment.
This is fun! I like the idea of having blogger tags but most bloggers are pretty planned with a set SEO-rich keyworded blog schedule, it seems impossible to achieve. However, I think you can build a small circle of similar bookish bloggers and do it with them… that’s how things get started getting larger and becoming a community. Hope you come visit me again some time and I can continue coming here too 🙂